I’m sitting in a beautiful cafe out in the sunshine whilst I type this. My lovely partner is looking after our son so I can have a day to myself. I’m feeling really vibrant, blessed and lucky that I listened to my body and took action to heal myself.
Over the last few months I’ve really been struggling with life, due to many factors…new baby, lack of sleep, being a mum to four children, relationship ‘stuff’, missing my family in the uk that I haven’t seen in 7 years…you name it, and it has come up for me.
For a good while I was so angry and frustrated. I wasn’t dealing with these challenges very well and my body decided to show me. I developed Eczema all over my body and face, I wasn’t sleeping either (even when my baby decided he wanted to sleep). It got so bad that I was forced to really look at what was going on for me.
I had severe eczema as a child and it was very debilitating for many years…I was disgusted by myself. How sad that I felt that as a child! I grew out of it as I got older after changing my diet etc. I thought that I would never have to go through that again. So you can imagine when it came up recently, I went into a state of panic. I literally hated looking in the mirror and I felt so angry and frustrated inside. I wasn’t using the tools that I use on my clients to help them. I was in a vicious cycle!
It got so bad that I had to look at myself and what was going on. I started ‘tapping’ (using the FasterEFT technique) to clear the anger and frustration. I tapped at every opportunity that I got. I increased my water intake and made sure I was eating healthily. I reached out to friends and eventually I went to the doctor to get some cream to help. I’m one for healing myself naturally but sometimes you need to reach out for conventional help as they do work hand in hand with each other. The doctor gave me some cream and a mild sleeping aid and I also went and got some natural healing cream for my skin.
That was a few days ago and I’m happy to say that my skin is clearing up amazingly, I’ve slept reasonably well and I’m feeling like I can take on the world again 🙂
I feel thankful that the eczema came up for me as it made me appreciate my amazing body even more. What a wonderful messenger it really is. Not only that but I can also help others who have this issue come up for them.
What I have learnt from this is when issues come up for me, I need to deal with them straight away by using one of my amazing healing tools or reaching out to another practitioner. It’s important to face our emotions within us, otherwise it will play itself out with some symptom, such as anxiety, insomnia, eczema etc.
I hope this blog has helped you in some way 🙂
To book in for a coaching session, please contact me on 0449704779 or danielle@freedom-therapy.com.au.
Have a wonderful week.
Much love
Danielle xxx