Why Counselling?

Why Counselling

Working with a trained and qualified counsellor is a great way to help you recognise and make sense of difficult feelings or emotions and get a better understanding of what’s making you feel the way you feel.  We all need a little help at times and opening ourselves to new ways of finding solutions and answers can provide hope, relief and healing.

Speak Your Truth

Sometimes just being heard and being able to speak your truth, without fear of judgement or recriminations, can help you feel less isolated and lighten the load a little.  We want you to live your best life and experience feelings of joy and happiness, so no matter what your situation or disability we are here to help.

What Can I Expect From Counselling

Our dedicated counsellors are here to help you in the comfort of your home.  Together we’ll create a safe space where you can speak openly and confidentially about your feelings.   We’ll listen without judgement and help you uncover and explore the issues that are affecting you.  

Tools & Strategies to Cope

It’s common for people to feel sad, lonely, powerless, depressed or angry and we’ll give you tools and techniques to help you manage your thoughts and feelings, understand your triggers and help you find strategies to cope whilst building more satisfaction, fulfilment and happiness into your life.


Mental Health, Stress, Anxiety, Depression

Anxiety, depression and substance use disorders are some of the most common mental health conditions in Australia.  Research shows that 1 in 5 people (20%) of Australians will be experiencing a mental health issue in any year.


Stress can often be the precursor to anxiety and depression.  We all go through stressful periods in life, but when the stress is prolonged, and you feel unable to cope this can often lead to anxiety, depression, and substance abuse.  It is not uncommon for people with depression to misuse alcohol or other drugs to numb their feelings in an attempt to try and self-medicate rather than seek professional help.

Symptoms Of Anxiety

When you are suffering from anxiety it seems like your mind is always active and you are constantly worrying or fretting about the future and what might happen.  Anxiety is linked to fear and negative, troubling thoughts seem to be constantly on your mind.  This can lead to an inability to sleep, irritability, nervous exhaustion, panic attacks as well as feelings of doubt and insecurity.   The inability to switch off can put you into a permanent state of fear and worry which may start to affect relationships, and your ability to cope with daily living.

Symptoms Of Depression

Anxiety often leads to depression because persistent fear and overwhelm severely limits your ability to cope with the demands of everyday life.  Symptoms of depression include prolonged feelings of sadness often accompanied by a severe lack of energy, drive and interest. 

Depression often affects every aspect of life and simply getting out of bed in the morning can be a huge struggle.  Eating and sleeping habits can change, difficulty concentrating and decision making along with feeling constantly tired or exhausted are all common symptoms of depression.  This is often accompanied by feeling a lack of self-worth, powerlessness and even suicidal thoughts as people can’t see a ‘way out’ of their situation.

Helping You Take Back Your Power

No matter how long you have been suffering or how bad your life seems, our dedicated counsellors are here to help and support you to find the relief and ease you need.  All our counsellors have had extensive training and have plenty of tools and techniques that can help you take back control of your life.

Proven treatment Protocols

Our counsellors use proven treatment protocols and will tailor a range of different therapies to suit your individual circumstances.  Treatment modalities include strategies for overcoming limiting beliefs, positive self-talk, relaxation, breathing and mindfulness techniques, Faster EFT, skills to calm a racing mind and interrupt anxious thoughts along with self-care and self-kindness practices.